Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Knox, The Rottweiler

     Today was once again another unforgettable day. Can anyone guess what happened? Me and my family finally have a Rottweiler! So far, Knox has been really really confident at home compared to my 5-year old Pomeranian, Clues when he was new. Clues back then had a hard time adjusting to his new home. He would never come out of his cage with open bars. He wouldn't move an inch. Knox was the complete opposite. He licked me as I came home. He was so friendly. From what I have noticed, Knox is really sweet. He welcomed me as a complete stranger as I got home from school. He fell asleep on my lap as well. (But honestly, it's weird for a German Shepard to be kind towards strangers.) And the last thing I noticed about Knox was that he badly wanted to make friends with Clues. Clues would make his eyes a billion times wider and he would stick out his tongue while slowly walking away from Knox. So, if you were asked to tell which is our new dog, you'd definitely say Clues. Knox would even cry whenever Clues ran away from him and Clues would just stare. He could keep his eyes open for a century.

      Knox is only 3 months old. The world is out there and there's a lot for him to discover. Eight years from now, he'd be the opposite of our little, harmless, innocent puppy we have right now. He 'd be our Aslan defending us from the White Witch. He'd be our Dumbledore against Voldemort. He'd be our Yoda against Darth Vader. I know for sure that he would grow up to be one of the bravest defenders with the sweetest of hearts. That is for sure.

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