Saturday, September 26, 2015

The ABCs of Hand Lettering

The ABCs of Hand Lettering By Abbey Sy

     Do you love calligraphy, typography, or lettering? Are you dying to get started but don't know how? Well, you've come to the right place. Today, I'll be making a book review about something new, and it isn't a young adult book or a fiction book one. I am pleased to present to you "The ABCs of Hand Lettering" by Abbey Sy. 

      I got this book last month, and a lot of my classmates bought it as well, while my other classmates practically made me a library and supply store by borrowing the book and some of my sharpies. Well, why would anyone be surprised when the book has everything you need to creating the best fonts which help us in our school projects. From techniques, materials needed, fonts, sample works, artists, and tips on how to publish your work, this book has it all. Wether your an aspiring artist, curious wanderer, or anyone in need of inspiration and creativity, this book won't let you down. 

Here are some of my works:

     Call me too overconfident, but in the future I really plan to be the illustrator of my own book, and I think that this book will definitely help me. 

     This book has suprised every part of me. The letters are all beautifully written, and they all look just so pretty and cute. 

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