Monday, July 11, 2016

The National Museum

     As I step on the cold marble floor and face the treasures lying ahead of me, I look back at the outside world, the path I chose to leave for the day. Looking back in front, I see luxury and riches. I see power and control. It may be very hard to believe, but I take it all in, believing in the fact that reality. . . .  is this.

     Last week, me and my family visited The National Museum of the Philippines, which is located at Ermita, Manila. The National Museum actually consists of two buildings, which are facing each other with the open highway in the middle. One is for Science History, and the other for the history of the Philippines. We arrived there at about nine am, and stopped over at the University of Santo Tomas on the way to eat brunch.


     We only visited the building of Philippine History because of the huge amount of tourists, which consisted of four floors. When you go inside, you get greeted by Juan Luna's historical Spolarium, which is so gigantic in size. Spolarium shows people (Spaniards) capturing other people (Filipinos) who were beaten up and bloody. The sight of it is nothing but majestic, and goosebumps creep me up the closer I get to the canvas. It's like it's telling me that yes, this is actual, real paint, and yes, Juan Luna painted this, and yes this is the horrible reality.

     The country of Spain once colonized Philippines back years ago in the 1800s. Filipinos were made to do tiresome tasks and were treated poorly. They were asked to do the impossible, and suffered for years, and there isn't a doubt in that once you see Spolarium and all the other paintings with your very own eyes. Some paintings were images of bombings, rape incidents, murders, battling in religion, or people with tiny houses. I also remember seeing a sculpture of a mom defending ehr children with courage, as their father was shot and dead. There were also paintings (portraits, actually) of Philippine National heros and some of the Americans who captured the country in the past.

     When I visited the National Museum, I felt a part of me was in it. It was as if my fifth grade textbook was coming to life and showing me all these kinds of stuff. The museum mainly had paintings and sculptures, and some of the new Filipino artists I discovered were Gulliermo Tolentino, Fernando Amorsolo, Juan Luna, and Vincente Manansala. The first floor of the museum itself was already very informative and all the while interesting especially for those who still have Philippine history fresh in their heads. 

     On the other hand, the second floor till the last was more on modern history and modern artists with more paintings and sculptures by Filipinos. 

     As I conclude, I really must say that as horrid as it may seem and as cruel as it may get, Spaniards, Americans, and Japanese were very cruel back then. They captured the Philippines and controlled all the Filipinos. They killed without mercy and expected the impossible. But once you really see the museum, you'll see bloodbaths and a lot of depression. When I walked into the museum that day, I truly felt like a Filipino inside and out. I felt like I was a citizen of before, and once had a hard life in World War II. I felt goosebumps and chills with the talent and gift of creativity that I witnessed. And I can truly say that I am a proud Filipino. 

Saturday, July 02, 2016

The Tears That Never Fell

I stared out into the cool night of busy Paris streets while the air conditioning of the car soaked my dull face. The raidrops continued dropping, and the music continued playing. Suddenly a voice from the driver's seat says that she is dead. I remember last month, with that voice saying the same thing. I searched for the anchor, the humongous rock that should be sinking my heart, but there was none. I scavenged for the magical drops of liquid that should have been falling from my eyes, but there was only the cool air and dry cheeks.

     I feel guilty.

     This post is dedicated to two of my dogs who have died this year. Ella and Friday. My grandma took care of them when I was in fourth grade, but nevertheless, you are loved and missed. I don't care about silver or gold, bloodline, or where you were from. I love animals, especially dogs, and you are not forgotten. Rest In Peace, Ella and Friday.